Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Snow Fun


The M Family said...

okay!!! i love these too!!!
judah is such a trooper cuter! i love all the faces he makes! and i love it that he is riding around in a bucket!! :) too cute! looks like fun to me - i wish i could ride around in one being pulled by a big sister! :)

Tiemans said...

Wasn't this fun?!?! They had such a blast!!So, did I ...

WS said...

I Love the little baby teeth I see peeking out of Judah's little mouth.:) It all looks like so much fun, the kiddos will have such great memories of this stuff when they grow up. I know you had a good time with all the snow....even if ya did have to clean up a lot of snow remnants on the floor. Keep up the fun! Love you all, Mom (Mimi)